
Showing posts from January, 2021

Cold (common cold) widespread and mild infection

Cold (common cold) widespread and mild infection of the upper respiratory tract caused by a virus.  There is inflammation of the mucous membranes and symptoms include feverish-ness, coughing, sneezing, runny nose, sore throat, headache, and sometimes face ache due to catarrh in the sinuses.  The disease is spread by coughing and sneezing and treatment is by means of bed rest and the taking of mild analgesics.  For a healthier life please check  Advocaado .  Constipation the condition in which the bowels are opened too infrequently and the feces become dry, hard, and difficult and painful to pass.  The frequency of normal bowel opening varies between people but when constipation becomes a problem, it is usually a result of inattention to this habit or to the diet.  To correct the condition a change of lifestyle may be needed including taking more exercise, fluid, and roughage in the diet, laxatives, and enemas are also used to alleviate the condition....